The Impact of AI on Teaching and Learning


I just spent the last two weeks touring the country talking to various schools, conferences, and educators on the impact of AI on teaching and learning.

I'm not an AI expert (nor do I think anyone really is at this point), but I do believe educators should be having some serious conversations around the impact of AI in schools when it comes to:

  • Academic Integrity
  • Media Literacy
  • Creative and Critical Thinking Skills
  • And more!

As we head into summer, school leaders should be thinking about how to lead this conversation around AI. As you can tell from the EdWeek Survey data below, we still have less than 30% of educators that have had any professional development around AI.

This can be a daunting task for administrators and leaders to prepare their staff for this AI-enhanced future. If you are your school is in need of professional development around AI, I would be happy to help. In addition to my latest book Learning Evolution, I've been working with districts as a keynote speaker and workshop facilitator around this topic for the past year.

If you would like more information on how I can support your staff and your mission when it comes to AI and learning, feel free to reply to this email. If you already have an event in mind that you would like me to speak at, here's a link to my speaker request form. If I'm already booked, I know of several other amazing speakers that are also having important conversations around this topic.

I hope your end of the school year goes well and that you have an amazing and restful summer! Let me know how I can support you.

-Carl Hooker

Carl Hooker

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