[The Pivotal Post] October 2021 Edition

Greetings readers!

I hope this newsletter finds you in good health, both mentally and physically. I've taken the last couple of months off from the newsletter for a couple of reasons:

  1. The uncertainty with the start of school for our family took a lot of creative energy out of me.
  2. Many of my teacher and administrator friends were overwhelmed with the chaotic start to school.

I don't want this newsletter to just be one other thing clogging your inbox. I want you to enjoy reading this either when it arrives or a few days later as a break from the day-to-day grind. While I haven't posted a newsletter in a couple of months, that doesn't mean I haven't been busy. Here's what's in today's newsletter:

⛰Virtual Summit for Technology Leaders - Oct 6

🎓21 Things Every 21st Century Educator Should Try in 2021

👨🏻‍💻A New Player in the AR Space

🤣Meme of the Month

🍯High Quality Blended Learning Help

💚Companies Making a Difference

❓Question of the Month

⛰Virtual Summit for Technology Leaders - Oct 6

My podcast co-host Dr. Adam Phyall and I are excited to lead a FREE virtual summit for technology leaders tomorrow from 12pm-3pm ET. The event, hosted by Future Ready Schools, will feature our attempt at a different type of opening with our "Pardon the Disruption" commentary to kick things off. We'll also have experts from the field to discuss the following in break out sessions:

  • ESSER Funding
  • Equity and Access for all students
  • Planning for Long-term sustainability
  • and much more!

Register for free here and check out the one-minute promo below.

🎓21 Things Every 21st Century Educator Should Try in 2021

During my time away from writing...I did some writing. After the pandemic I found that my popular post "21 Things Every 21st Century Educator Should Try" needed some major updating (the last one I wrote was 2018). So I fired up the old blog machine and got to work overhauling the content and providing teachers (hopefully) with some inspiring and interest-piquing ideas. Check out the full list of 21 things and the nifty infographic at my HookEdonInnovation blog.

👨🏻‍💻A New Player in the AR Space

I did spend some time away to research what new technologies are out there that might impact education in the future. I came across one particular company that really blew my socks off. EyeJack is a different kind of augmented reality (AR) app. Most of its predecessors include apps like Aurasma and then later HP Reveal, but those companies have gone the way of the dodo bird. Where they failed, EyeJack is succeeding. Most Augmented Reality platforms are consumptive in nature and can only work using a phone or tablet. This program makes students the creators as they float a variety of informational panels in augmented space. It's like an old-school diorama on steroids.

AND...they are in the final stages of completing their Chromebook extension!

Here's the good news - this Australia-based company that has been in the art museum and event space for years is still very new in the U.S. They are looking for schools to pilot their EDU product for FREE. If you are interested, fill out this form and I'll make connections to their team!

🤣Meme of the Month

This month's meme is dedicated to all the teachers out there that are just trying to make it through the day.

We've all been there....

🍯High Quality Blended Learning Help

As schools have been flooded with new devices and access for students, many are starting to realize (or not) the potential of having these in their schools. As a consultant with various schools and districts over the past few years in the area of blended learning and 1:1 devices, I've seen where schools go wrong when it comes to implementation, training and support. If you are a school or district that is struggling with your 1:1 device program or just want to see your blended learning program improve, please feel free to reach out to me! I give free consults to those that need it and if you have need for some additional support, fill out this form and I'll reach out to you to see how I can help you and your organization.

💚Companies Making a Difference

Many of you know that I advise with various companies in the Ed Tech space that I feel are making a difference in the world. I need to believe in their mission and their model for K-12 schools for me to share their great work. Three of my favorites in this space are:

Rex Academy - This company is trying to make computer science curriculum accessible to all students. Too often it's only schools that have high-end computers or a teacher with a CS degree that can offer these courses to their students. Rex is a browser-based curriculum that doesn't require a CS degree to teach. In fact, some of the modules are even designed to be student-paced with a teacher playing the role of facilitator. Check out more and sign up for a free pilot at https://rex.academy

Trashbots - STEAM and robotics without breaking the bank. Like Rex Academy, Trashbots aims at making robotics and coding available to students of all ages and socio-economic levels. Their low-cost robotics kits come with a programable robot and instruction cards for getting started quickly. Use everyday items around your house or classroom to make the robots move, dance and make sounds! Check out more here: https://Trashbots.co

Net-Ref - At-home connectivity is still an issue for many households in the U.S. Net-Ref, an industry leader in device management and usage analytics, released a new tool this summer that will measure the connectivity and bandwidth usage of students in the community. If you want information on how to get this tool and their entire platform for FREE, fill out this form and I'll make introductions.

❓Question of the Month

With Halloween approaching, what's your stance on "celebrating" this in your school or classroom? As it's on a Sunday this year, what day will you recognize this holiday? Reply to this email with your answer!

Happy October Everyone!

Carl Hooker

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